West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Sunday, July 21, 2013

West of Bathurst 1309
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    Well, it's not morning, but it is Sunday, and considering that this is the "colour" comic (without colour today because it takes place in the dark), that's not half bad.

    Summer Contest #4 will be closing tonight at midnight, so get those limericks in, folks.  There have been some excellent ones thus far.

    Summer Contest #4 Rules:

     Please explain how you think WoB is going to end...IN LIMERICK FORM.  That's right:  only entries that are also limericks will be accepted.  Points will be awarded at my discretion.  I'm thinking a point for creativity, a point for logic, and a point for perfection of the limerick form itself (and believe me, I am very picky about this sort of thing, so it's possible this last point will not be awarded at all).  Go to it, my poppets.  Make beautiful limericks for Marie and her friends.

    Sunday, July 21, 2013
    Panel 1: In the single large panel of this Sunday-style colour comic (which is actually in black and white because it takes place in the dark), Baby Marie leads Marie and Evil Marie down a very narrow tunnel. The words "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren" follow the curve of the tunnel.

    Evil Marie: It baffles me why you keep imagining Baby Marie in different shirts.

    Marie: That's what baffles you?

    Alt-Text: This is my way of adding to the insanity while simultaneously accounting for the fact that for some reason that escapes me, I keep putting Baby Marie in different shirts, sometimes even within a single strip.

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014