have another entry for Summer Contest #5. This one, by Nobilis,
was submitted via e-mail, so there's no link to the original, but you
can see it at the bottom of the Fan Stuff page.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Panel 1:We
are still looking at one of Marie's memories as she relives it. Young
Marie has escaped her burning house and is in the process of collapsing
on her lawn.
Marie[thinks]: I'm still not remembering right. I'm still--
Voice From Off Panel:Hey! Panel 2:Marie properly collapses.
Voice: There's a girl over here! Somebody help me... Panel 3:The
owner of the voice turns out to be a slightly dishevelled Casey with
long hair pulled back in a ponytail. He is wearing his green coat, and
his pants and shirt are ragged. He turns Marie over on her back, and
she opens her eyes.
Casey: It's okay. You're okay. Were you in there? Can you breathe? Panel 4: