West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Friday, July 26, 2013

West of Bathurst 1314
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    These days, the time at which the comic is posted is always a delightful surprise.  Considering that there's a new one every day, I hope you can forgive me for that.

    Don't forget that the Summer Contest #5 deadline (Sunday at midnight) is approaching.  We have two entries so far, so the field is still wide open.  You can see the current entries at the bottom of the Fan Stuff page.  Thanks to Nobilis, I have now actually remembered to upload the updated file.

    Friday, July 26, 2013
    Panel 1: Marie is inside her own memory. As a teenage girl, she lies on the ground, suffering from smoke inhalation. A ragged version of Casey kneels beside her, as does a paramedic.

    Paramedic: We'll take it from here, sir. You should go.

    Panel 2: Marie is loaded onto a stretcher and fitted with an oxygen mask.

    Marie [thinks]: This never happened. I'm inserting Casey into the memory.

    Panel 3:  The stretcher is wheeled towards the ambulance.

    Marie [thinks]: But how do I know I am? I hardly remember that day.

    Panel 4: Marie lies in the ambulance and cries.

    Marie [thinks]: Dear brain: how I hate you. Yours sincerely, Marie.

    Alt-Text: Writing letters to your own brain can be comforting, but not really all that often.

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014