West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Friday, August 16, 2013

West of Bathurst 1335

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With this comic, we basically reach our revelation.  Anyone thinking of telling me off for copping out yet again should think back over the past seven years' worth of strips and plug in the knowledge that Casey doesn't remember who he is (or claims he doesn't).  It's not just that his memory is fuzzy or has gaps in it; he doesn't know the answers to the questions everyone has been asking.  Of course, he clearly knows something, but not everything.  And incidentally, this is not the Last Revelation Ever.  There may be more to come.  This is just this week's revelation.

I'll award points on Monday when I post the rules for the next contest.

Friday, August 16, 2013
Panel 1: Marie and Casey are sitting on the couch in the Davies College basement nook.

Marie: So you're saying you are Satan?

Casey: I'm saying I don't know.

Panel 2:

Marie: You...what?

Casey [crying]: I don't know! I don't know who I am! I could be anyone! I don't remember!

Panel 3:

Marie: But you got your memories back.

Casey: For a bit, but now I don't know what they were. They've gone to pieces and mutated.

Panel 4:

Like the badgers.

Marie: Of course.

Alt-Text: Casey has never actually explained his obsession with badgers, but it's kind of more awesome that way.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014