Panel 1: Marie and Casey are sitting on the couch in the Davies College basement nook.
Marie: So what are we supposed to do about this?
Casey: I'm not sure.
Panel 2:
Casey: I just know things have gone wrong somehow. I keep thinking you can fix it.
Panel 3:
Marie: Me? Why me?
Casey: Well, there's got to be a reason you've got caught up in all this.
Panel 4:
Marie: Besides bad luck?
Casey: One never knows.
Alt-Text: Is
the universe more like a watch, with all the gears working together in
meaningful patterns that have a deliberate effect, or a Rorschach blot,
which has no intrinsic meaning but is assigned meaning by the
viewer? This is one of the central questions of _Watchmen_ and
also, incidentally, this comic. I think.