West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

West of Bathurst 1356

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My friend Peter Chiykowski, the creator of Rock, Paper, Cynic, is doing a Kickstarter with his cousin.  It is...an unusual Kickstarter.  Do check it out.

...Half-cats, man.  Half-cats.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Panel 1: Marie and Rahim have moved into the Davies cloakroom to talk. The enthusiastic Wendy-like man has followed them.

Marie: I really need to talk to--

New Wendy: Robes! Make sure you've got your robes! Make--

Panel 2:

Marie [very angrily]: Will you please shut up? I have a major life decision to make, and you won't stop wittering on about fricking orientation!

Panel 3: Everyone stares at Marie.

Panel 4:

New Wendy: There are places you can go that aren't, you know, here.

Rahim: I've heard that theory.

Alt-Text: And you thought He-Wendy was the jerk.  P!LOT TWIST:  Marie is the jerk!  Shock!  Horror!

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014