My friend Peter Chiykowski, the creator of Rock, Paper, Cynic, is doing a Kickstarter with his cousin. It unusual Kickstarter. Do check it out. ...Half-cats, man. Half-cats. |
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 |
Panel 1: Marie and Rahim have moved into the Davies cloakroom to talk. The enthusiastic Wendy-like man has followed them. Marie: I really need to talk to-- New Wendy: Robes! Make sure you've got your robes! Make-- Panel 2: Marie [very angrily]: Will you please shut up? I have a major life decision to make, and you won't stop wittering on about fricking orientation! Panel 3: Everyone stares at Marie. Panel 4: New Wendy: There are places you can go that aren't, you know, here. Rahim: I've heard that theory. Alt-Text: And you thought He-Wendy was the jerk. P!LOT TWIST: Marie is the jerk! Shock! Horror! Go to commentary |