Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, we see a Google Maps-style map of part of Toronto. A location box reads:
West of Bathurst
by Kari Maaren Toronto, ON Be the first to review [hyperlinked]
[hyperlinked] Search nearby [hyperlinked] Save to map
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Panel 2: Barbara is talking on the phone while walking through the Davies College basement.
Barbara: Okay, now you've got to go south.
Panel 3:
Barbara: Got it? All right, head towards it. Look for the subway sign.
Panel 4:
Barbara: South. You know...towards the CN Tower. Just look around; you can't miss it.
Panel 5:
Barbara: Yes, of course there is. It should be right--no, the subway. The train. Not the restaurant.
Panel 6: Barbara is getting frustrated. Marie edges into the panel and stares at her.
Barbara: Why would I have been telling you to look for a restaurant? You're where? Why are you walking west? The CN Tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world. How do you not notice that?
Panel 7:
Marie: I take it your sister is adjusting well to Toronto life.
Barbara [into the phone]: No, Google Maps is not upside down!
Alt-Text: As
someone with absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever, I sympathise
with the disorientation that arises when one visits a new place for the
first time. In fact, I ran into this very problem in Ottawa last
weekend (this was AFTER I drew the comic, incidentally). And yes,
Toronto contains both subways and Subways. Confusion reigns.