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Monday, October 28, 2013

West of Bathurst 1380

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Monday, October 28, 2013
Hallowe'en Header: This special header is mostly black, with the words "West of Bathurst," in deep red, barely visible. If you stare at the header for long enough, Casey will pop up, conjuring a ball of eldritch flame and regarding it with an evil smirk. Happy Hallowe'en.

Panel 1:
Marie walks through a park.

Panel 2: Nico slides out from behind a tree.

Nico: You're not handling this very well.

Panel 3: Marie and Nico glare at each other.

Panel 4:

I am going to kill you.

Nico: At least that will be relatively proactive.

Alt-Text: Oh, look, it's Nico...just in time for Hal...Chri...which holiday is he associated with again?

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