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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

West of Bathurst 1381

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Panel 1: Casey and Marie walk down the street.

Panel 2: The three women Marie met last Christmas--the ones who suspiciously resemble the three Fates--approach Marie and Casey.

Youngest Fate, a.k.a. Clotho: Beware.

Panel 3: The Fates proceed down the sidewalk. Marie develops a cynical look as Casey glances over his shoulder at the Fates.

Panel 4: Marie turns around and heads back after the Fates.

Marie: Are you planning to admit they exist?

Casey: ...Maybe?

Marie: Whatever. I'm going to go punch them now.

Alt-Text: I'm not actually convinced that they're punchable, but ah well.

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