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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

West of Bathurst 1384

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Panel 1: Barbara is standing on the sidewalk, talking on the phone. The woman who owns the taxidermy shop is just leaving.

Barbara [into phone]: Hey, Marie...some lady jus stopped me on the street and told me to tell you you were thwarting fate.

Panel 2: Rahim is at work in the hospital. Nico is lurking nearby.

Rahim [into phone]: That Nico guy has been following me on my rounds. He keeps going on about something "not working."

Panel 3: Basil is standing in the park.

Basil: Marie, it's Basil. Uh...there are people shadowing me and going on about tentacles. Should I be worried?

Panel 4: Marie massages her forehead as she stands with her phone to her ear.

Jackie [on phone]:'s Jackie. In, you know, California. Why are three women popping up everywhere to tell me how aggravating you are?

Marie sighs.

Alt-Text: In the unseen fifth panel, Marie gets a text from a Junior Fellow who hasn't turned up since the first week of the comic.  You do not need to see her frustrated rage and despair.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014