Saturday, November 9, 2013 |
Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara ponders the
giant title page of a student essay. The essay's title is "Never Read
the Instructions." Someone has scribbled on it in red ink the words
"West of Bathurst" and "by Kari Maaren." Barbara is speaking into her
red pen as if it is a microphone. Barbara: We now go live to coverage of the title match. Panel 2: Barbara holds a student paper in her right hand. Barbara: In this corner, we have a single-spaced essay that goes sixteen hundred words over the limit and consistently misspells "writing." Panel 3: She picks up a second student paper with her left hand Barbara: In this corner, we have a paper that weighs in at seven hundred words under the limit and is based entirely on the student's off-topic conviction that all poetry is bad. Panel 4: Barbara: It's going to be a hard, vicious fight, folks. There's the bell! Panel 5: She slams the papers violently against each other. Barbara: Look at them go! The blood! The carnage! The complete disregard of grammar! Is there no end in sight? Can no one stop the madness? Panel 6: The papers are very crumpled now. Barbara: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a first! The papers have beaten each other into submission! They're both down for the count! Panel 7: Barbara gazes despondently at the papers as Marie watches from nearby. Barbara: Unfortunately, the real loser is the poor schmuck* who has to mark them. Marie: And the crowd goes wild. *Yes, I am aware that I misspelled "schmuck" in the comic. Oh, the irony. Alt-Text: To tell the absolute truth, I prefer the papers that go insanely under the limit to the papers that go insanely over the limit, simply because the former take less time to mark. Go to commentary |