Panel 1: Marie and Casey are in the park, glaring at each other.
Marie: Forget the mystical garbage. I don't care.
Panel 2:
Marie: You know what I do care about? Seeing you wander around in a daze. Half the time, you don't know who or where you are.
Panel 3:
Are you an immortal demon damned to an eternal cycle of repetitive
amnesia? Are you an ordinary trauma victim with an unusual coping
mechanism? It doesn't matter. Either way, you've hit a dead end.
Panel 4: Barbara pokes her head into the scene.
Barbara: So you're not going to ask him about the mouse?
Marie [very loudly]: Go AWAY, Barbara!
Alt-Text: Marie does not deal well with people who poke holes in her view of the universe, even when it's clearly inadequate.