Panel 1: In
the first panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, the words "West of
Bathurst" appear in the form of a text message. "By Kari Maaren" is the
Panel 2: Rahim is sitting on a couch, reading texts from Marie on his phone.
Marie's Text: Just confronted Casey re. his...problem.
Panel 3:
Marie's Text: Conversation not going well. C not cooperating.
Panel 4:
Marie's Text: C now claiming my imaginary friend is real.
Panel 5:
Marie's Text: C and EM in huge screaming argument re. reality of EM. I have taken refuge under nearby tree.
Panel 6:
Marie's Text: C says my arguments invalid if EM real. EM says my arguments invalid anyway. Neither willing to explain.
Panel 7:
Marie's Text: Hiding under bench has proven ineffective. Help urgently required.
Rahim sighs and begins to get up.
Alt-Text: Apparently,
Marie, like the majority of my students, has mastered the art of
texting while she should really be concentrating on something else.