West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Monday, December 9, 2013

West of Bathurst 1401

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SURPRISE:  I've decided to start in on the daily comics two weeks early, mostly because despite the marking, I've been so invested in the current storyline that I've managed to build up a small and likely sustainable buffer.  Basically, I just need to get to the 18th without something disastrous happening; after that, I'll be on break, and the daily schedule will be easier to maintain.  It will continue until whenever it is the comic ends.  As this week's storyline will likely demonstrate, the end is slowly but surely lumbering into sight.

Monday, December 9, 2013
Panel 1: Casey and Evil Marie are sitting on the ground in the park. Casey's cane has just burst into flame.

Casey: So you just set my cane on fire.

Evil Marie: Maybe?

Panel 2:

You know it was you. It's been you all along, hasn't it?

Evil Marie: Uh--

Panel 3:

Casey: Have you been framing me?

Evil Marie: Not deliberately!

Panel 4:

Evil Marie:
Though I really wish I'd thought of that.

Casey: Why does everyone think I'm Satan?

Alt-Text: If someday the fate of the planet depends on Evil Marie keeping her mouth shut at key moments, the planet is doomed.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014