Sunday, January 12, 2014 |
Panel 1: In
this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie and Rahim are sitting on the
couch in the Davies College basement nook. Rahim is reading. Marie is
looking to her left. On the wall behind her are some signs reading
"West of," "Bathurst [plus an arrow]," and "by Kari Maaren." The arrow
points to Marie's left. Panel 2: Rahim: I can't believe you're leaving so soon. Marie: I know. Panel 3: Marie: I'm going to miss this place. Davies, I mean. It's always been my place. Panel 4: She pats the couch cushions. Marie: And this nook is my nook. I've had a lot of good times here. I-- Panel 5: A couple of people begin to emerge from underneath the coffee table. Panel 6: A mostly naked man and woman walk away from the nook, carrying their clothes and smirking. Panel 7: Marie: Okay, I'm over the nook now. Rahim: How long were they under there? Alt-Text: This has never QUITE happened to me at "Davies," but I'm also not sure I want to know exactly how many of the College's little nooks and crannies have hosted sessions of vigorous lovemaking. I'm kind of suspecting, well, all of them. Go to commentary |