West of Bathurst
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

West of Bathurst 1442

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Sunday on Friday.

Sunday, January 19, 2014
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, we see some elevator buttons. Most are numbered, but two read "West of Bathurst" and "By Kari Maaren. A red-gloved finger has just pushed the "West of Bathurst" button.

Panel 2: Marie and Evil Marie are an elevator. Marie is, in fact, wearing red gloves.

Why is this elevator so slow?

Evil Marie: Relax.

Panel 3:


Evil Marie: You won't get there any faster by jabbing the button like that.

Panel 4: Marie continues to push the button.

Marie: Did you figure that out while you were killing my parents?

Evil Marie: I thought you didn't really believe I'd done that.

Panel 5:

Marie: I don't know what to believe, and I don't care. I need to stop that idiot Casey from doing what I convinced him he had to do!

Panel 6: Marie glares at everything. Evil Marie looks at her sidelong.

Panel 7:

Evil Marie: Because logic?

Marie: I hate you.

Alt-Text: Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, but inconsistency is SHINY OBJECT.

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