West of Bathurst
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Monday, January 20, 2014

West of Bathurstq 1443

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Monday on Saturday.  Poor Casey.

Monday, January 20, 2014
Panel 1: Casey sits alone at a table in Tim Hortons. He is looking down.

Casey: Nico.

Panel 2:

I know you're here.

Nico [from off panel]: Of course I'm here.

Panel 3: Nico sits across from Casey, holding a bag of doughnuts. Casey is still looking down.

I think I've always done this alone before. Haven't I? Why can't I do it alone now?

Panel 4:

Nico: Mystical claptrap?

Casey [looks up]: Marie would certainly say so.

Alt-Text: Leave it to Marie to take over seven years to develop her own catchphrase...just in time for the comic to end.

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