Saturday on the next Saturday. Work is looming, so it's anybody's guess as to whether the Sunday comic will be finished on Sunday. |
Saturday, January 25, 2014 |
Panel 1: Marie walks through the snow, crying angrily. Voice From Off Panel: Marie...wait. Panel 2: Marie turns around to find Nico and Evil Marie following her. Marie: Go away. Nico: You knew this would happen. You accepted that. Panel 3: Marie: He. Didn't. Say. Goodbye. Panel 4: Marie leaves. Nico and Evil Marie gaze after her. Evil Marie: Once again, I have accidentally caused trauma. Nico: You do that a lot. Alt-Text: If Evil Marie ever has a gravestone, which is admittedly unlikely, it will probably read, "Accidentally Caused Trauma. Again." Go to commentary |