West of Bathurst
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

West of Bathurst 1456

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Sunday on the next Tuesday.  It's possible there will be another comic up late tonight.  We'll see.

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Rahim, Barbara, and Marie are sitting at a table, looking sad. Rahim is thinking "West," Barbara "of," and Marie "Bathurst" and "by Kari Maaren."

Panel 2: Rahim has a Coke in front of him; Marie and Barbara have glasses of red wine.

Rahim: Everybody's sad. I disapprove. We should have a toast.

Panel 3: They raise their glasses.

Rahim: To Marie's new job, which will probably not involve anything supernatural.

Panel 4:

Barbara: To seven years of weirdness, ambiguity, and the possibility of the paranormal.

Panel 5:

Marie: To Sherlock Holmes, Tim Hortons, undead mice, and quite possibly Satan.

Panel 6: They clink glasses.

Panel 7:

Rahim: Who are we?

Barbara: I've often wondered that.

Alt-Text: It really has been a long, strange run, hasn't it?

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014