West of Bathurst
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

West of Bathurst 1458

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Tuesday on the next Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Panel 1: Marie and Casey walk through the park together.

Casey: You're trying to stop yourself from saying certain things to me, aren't you?

Panel 2:

You really don't have to worry. You can't do any harm. And after this, you'll never see me again.

Panel 3: Marie swings angrily out in front of him and holds out a hand to stop him.

You didn't say goodbye.

Panel 4:

Casey [shiftily]: I know. I mean...didn't I?

Marie [thinks]: Ooof course.

Alt-Text: What...you didn't expect him to make it easy, did you?

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014