West of Bathurst
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Friday, February 7, 2014

West of Bathurst 1461

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Friday on the next Friday.  Today, we say goodbye to Rahim and Barbara, not to mention Barbara's Sherlock Holmes outfit.  As I was drawing this comic, I felt rather as Marie looked.

I've posted two comics today; if you missed the Thursday one, you may need to click on "Previous."  I would advise you to do so, as Thursday's comic is Casey's last.  With the exit of Rahim and Barbara as well, Marie is, once again, left alone.

Friday, February 7, 2014
Panel 1: Somewhere in Davies College, Marie is standing with Rahim and Barbara. Barbara is in her Sherlock Holmes outfit.

Rahim: I guess it's time--

Marie: I don't want to say goodbye!

Panel 2: Marie begins to cry.

Marie: I don't have any friends in Lethbridge. I should never have taken that job. I--

Rahim: Marie.

Panel 3: Barbara puts an arm around Marie.

Rahim: We'll always be here for you.

Barbara: That's elementary.

Panel 4:

Marie: You wore that outfit just so you could say that, didn't you?

Barbara: That's elementary too.

Alt-Text: What pleases me is that this is clearly something Barbara would do; it doesn't seem jarring at all that she would dress up as Sherlock Holmes to say goodbye to Marie.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014