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Thursday, July 24, 2008

West of Bathurst anniversary 2008

In today's special second-anniversary comic, I offer you a glimpse into the mysteries of the creative process (especially the creative process lately, as my summer job has caused my buffer to melt away like snow in the fierce July sun).

Yes...WoB has turned two. Thank you for sticking with the story of Davies College thus far. Marie, Casey, Barbara, Rahim, Frankie, Baldwin, Wendy, Jackie, Wolfgang, Morgan, Kenneth, Weird Beard, Bleachy, Darren, Felicia, Fred, Tom, Master Ramsay, and possibly Evil Marie appreciate your interest.

Some of you have asked if there is ever going to be a WoB book. Well...this August, I do have a small amount of time off. What better way to spend it than in torturing myself into madness by trying to figure out whether a book will be possible? I still don't know what I'm going to do about the colour comics, which don't translate well to black and white, but I am going to try out a few possibilities in between The Summer Job (teaching Trent students about The Canterbury Tales and King Lear) and The Fall Job (teaching Ryerson students about Harry Potter and Watchmen). We shall see what we shall see. If anyone has advice that will smooth the process of book-creation for me, please drop me a line.

See you in the funny pages (or, well, online, on this site, and not in the funny pages at all)...


Thursday, July 24, 2008
Panel 1: In this special anniversary panel, which is in colour, Kari sits at a Davies College table, staring at her laptop. In front of her on the table, between her and the laptop. is a piece of paper with two comic strips on it. One strip is finished; the other is blank. On the laptop, Photoshop is open. It's also blank.

Kari [thinks]: Come on, panic-inducing deadline: inspire me!

Alt-Text: With the exception of Swiss chocolate, fear is the best motivator ever.

Go to commentary

Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014