Panel 1: In a Davies College corridor, Rahim herds Darren towards Marie, who is holding a doughnut.
Rahim: I think Darren may have something to say to you.
Marie: Fancy that.
Panel 2: Darren glares at Marie, who glares back.
Panel 3:
Darren: I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions and blah blah blah blah blah. Can I go now?
Panel 4: A few minutes later, elsewhere in the college, Tom is talking to Darren, who is covered in bits of doughnut.
Tom: You said that to someone holding a doughnut?
Darren: I didn't know it was a jelly one!
It would have been even better if it had been a Boston Cream...or one
of those lovely maple doughnuts with the custard filling...or manure.