Panel 1: Casey
and Marie have arrived back at House IV of Davies College after walking
through a torrential downpour. Neither has a jacket, which is normal
for Casey. However, Marie is hugging herself and shivering.
Casey: Oh, wow. That was very, very wet. That...was...
Panel 2:
Casey: ...Are you okay?
Marie: C-c-cold. Sh-should've brought jacket...
Panel 3: Casey puts an arm around Marie.
Casey: I'm sorry...I didn't think. You know cold doesn't bother me. Let's get you to your room.
Panel 4: They head for the stairs, Casey still hugging Marie.
Marie [thinks]: Not having a crush oh damn yes I am...
Casey: I've never seen anyone shiver and go red at the same time.
Coincidentally, it poured rain today. I am actually currently sitting
in my office, waiting for the damn rain to stop so that I can bike home
without becoming covered with mud. I feel for Marie; I really do.