Panel 1: Marie and Casey push open glass doors and walk into the college's common room.
Marie: I don't actually know if I'm ever going to fit in with these people.
Casey: How d'you mean?
Panel 2: Casey
sits down on a cushy chair near the back of the common room, while
Marie takes a seat on a couch at right angles to the chair. There is a
lamp on the small table beside the couch. The wall behind the couch is
brick, and we can see a large painting (currently mostly blocked by a
speech bubble) hanging on the wall.
Marie: They...think differently. It's like they're all from some sub-universe just barely out of sync with the real world.
Casey: Oh, surely--
Panel 3: Barbara
and a young man with curly fair hair come up behind Casey. (The young
man is actually Patrick, a real Junior Fellow at Massey College, which
Davies College obviously isn't. Why do you ask?)
Patrick [to Barbara]: I burned you another CD of Himalayan accordion music.
Barbara: Ooooh!
Panel 4:
Casey: All right, you may have a point there.
Marie: Did I say "just barely out of sync"?
Alt-Text: Yes, Patrick did ask to be in this one.