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Monday, February 1, 2010

West of Bathurst 641

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I hereby acknowledge that Massey's Winter Ball is, in fact, based on an Alice theme this year.

One of my friends is working on the problem (thank you, friend). Meanwhile, another pair of friends has gone and bought me as a belated birthday present. I used to have no domains; now I have two! The .ca site is run by a different company and does allow redirecting more easily than the .com site, so friends #3 and 4 have already set that up. If you type into your browser, you will! It's very exciting.

Thanks a whole bunch, friends #1 and 2 and friends #3 and 4 (I would name them, but I fear they may be shy. Luckily, they know who they are). As I keep saying, you're all awesome.

In other news, the old site is up again. The problem is that I can't edit it because though the site itself is right there on the Internet, the folder that should be housing it has disappeared into thin air and is not accessible via FTP. This isn't just my usual Computer Stupidity; this is a weird, weird problem that is baffling yet another friend (in his capacity as semi-unofficial Massey computer guy). He's going to try to deal with it this week. In the meantime, the old site is just sitting there, unchanged. It never ends.

UPDATE: Alas, the address of this page has changed YET AGAIN, no doubt confusing the hell out of everybody, because the site has been reorganised to facilitate forwarding (thanks, House). Luckily, there is a redirect at the old location (thanks again, House). In addition, both and now work. I'm hoping that will make everything much, much less confusing and cumbersome.

Monday, February 1, 2010
Panel 1: Casey and Rahim are at the Davies College Winter Ball, which has a very obvious Alice in Wonderland theme, complete with giant playing cards on the wall and costumed students going around quoting the book. Casey and Rahim are in suits. Behind them, we see a young man dressed as the White Rabbit and Wendy as the Queen of Hearts.

Rahim: Congratulations on finishing your Ph.D. in three-and-a-half years...

White Rabbit: I'm late!

Panel 2: The Mad Hatter walks past Wendy.

Rahim: ...without, apparently, doing any work at all...

Wendy: Off with their heads!

Panel 3: Now the background is populated by a white chess piece (probably the White Queen), a young woman in a slinky black dress, and a young man with a handlebar moustache.

Rahim: ...or giving any indication that you regard this as a major milestone.

Man: And the mome raths outgrabe.

Panel 4: A young woman dressed as Alice and a young man in a suit look at the giant playing cards on the wall. Barbara, in street clothes, comes up behind Casey.

Rahim: I trust this year's Winter Ball theme is adding a certain emphasis to my words.

Barbara: Oh, we all know Casey belongs through the looking glass.

Alice: And it really was a kitten, after all.

Alt-Text: It is possible that "Jabberwocky" is actually about Casey Mulligan. To be fair, we would never know if it were.

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