Panel 1: Rahim, Marie, Casey, and Barbara are sitting together at the Davies Winter Ball, which is Alice in Wonderland-themed.
Marie: I guess we should be toasting Casey's disgustingly speedy Ph.D.
Casey: It wasn't that speedy.
Panel 2:
Marie: Three-and-a-half years? belong in Wonderland. No one in the real world could pull off what you just did.
Panel 3:
Casey: You could if you worked at it. Incidentally, I'm starting a Stargate SG-1 marathon tomorrow. You're free to join in.
Panel 4:
Marie: Eat me.
Barbara: Ooh...beautiful Alice reference!
Apropos of very little, one of the best things about watching _Stargate
SG-1_ when you are from BC is that some of the planet/country/etc.
names become very, VERY funny. For instance, one planet is named
Langara and contains a powerful country called Kelowna. The Langara
thing doesn't come up all that often, but every time someone says, "We
have to defend ourselves; otherwise, Party X will destroy Kelowna!", I
burst out laughing. (Kelowna is a city in BC's Interior. I don't think
anyone has ever tried to destroy it.)