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Monday, May 10, 2010 |
Panel 1: Casey and Marie are sitting on the couch in Marie's favourite basement nook at Davies College. Marie: My parents didn't speak to me once that day. They just screamed at each other for hours. I tried to stop them twice. They wouldn't look at me. Panel 2: Marie: I...when I was a kid and they fought, I would hide in the hall closet. This time...I had a concussion, and I guess I just...well, I hid in the closet again, dislocated knee and all. Panel 3: Marie: It was July eighteenth. I kept looking at my watch, checking the date, not the time. I don't know when the screaming stopped. It eventually did. I may have fallen asleep. By the time I smelled the smoke, it was too late. Panel 4: Casey: Definitely not going to end well. Marie: Your gift for understatement is unparalleled. Alt-Text: I still think there are going to be puppies soon. Go to commentary |